Faithfully following the teaching advocated by the Lord Jesus, our school has been upholding the mission of the founding group of the Chinese Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (C.I.C): “to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15), in accordance with the spirit of Jesus’ love and the Catholic education philosophy, to make an effort to educate the next generation.
Our school is dedicated to providing holistic education to help students develop spiritually, morally, intellectually, physically, socially and artistically, so that they can treasure life and get spiritually and intellectually prepared for their future.
We are also committed to assisting students to develop independent and critical thinking and cultivate a sense of civic and social awareness so that they can exercise correct value judgement on social issues. It is hoped that they can make a contribution to the society and serve all mankind, as well as understand Chinese culture and have a passion for life.