19 September, 2019
Sports Day
   Our annual Sports Day was successfully held at Kowloon Bay Sports Ground on 19th September. Thanks to the nice weather, it was a wonderful opportunity for both teachers and students to put aside our books and participate in various track and field events.

   The boys’ invitation relay race was one of the highlights of the day. Students chanted enthusiastically from the spectator stands, encouraging the athletes in the breathtaking races. Finally, Yu Chun Keung Memorial College, Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School and Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College beat the other teams and won the championship, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up respectively.

   At the prize presentation ceremony, we were honoured to have invited diversified athlete, Miss Lisa Cheng to give us an inspiring speech. She shared with our students her road to success and encouraged everyone to equipped ourselves.

   This year, the overall champion was Green House. Well done!